Thursday, June 22, 2006

Road Node 101

Road Node 101::World-Wide
By: lovedetective
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Google Earth astonishes and thrills. Take a virtual tour of the Node Trip. This episode is brought to you by Mariah's Missing Kitten , who's responsible for the logistical research that made this post possible from the road. Rode Node 101::World-wide - Poem New York New Jersey Poughkeepsie Schenectady Saratoga Springs Worcester Mass Lowell Mass East Hartford Connecticut Cambridge Mass Winterport Maine Chipman New Brunswick Montreal Philadelphia Music by the City of Washington Pipe Band - friends of the family. Charlie Glendinning is one of the only human beings alive composing new music for the bagpipes and he's amazing. Tags: Faux Press Road Node 101

Road Node 101 Ballet Watch the...
By: lovedetective
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Road Node 101 Ballet Watch the video Thanks to Clark ov Saturn for tagging me "it" and sending the "Afternoon Delight" soundtrack along. This is a Road Node rough draft of the vlogger ballet of my dreams, starring Michael Sullivan and Thomas G. Henry .
Road Node 101::University of Maine ...
By: lovedetective
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Road Node 101::University of Maine Watch the video One of the best days we spent teaching was at the University of Maine. Here's a remnant of the day, vlogging the students' introductions. Kent Bye also gives a brief explanation of his Echochamber Project that is worth listening to.

   tao 11 the hole
By: albrenner
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can wholeness be in the hole

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The Very Gripping Yonner Video Blog

The Very Gripping Yonner Video Blog
I'm from Manchester, UK and I make video diaries that generally seem tokeep people asking for more. Sometimes they are very laid back andchilled, other times they get a bit lively. I try and keep them verynon-cheesy or insincere. Visit for the full story

more yonner video


Monkey with a sense of humor ... and a flair for danger

Kraftwerk - Musique Non Stop (1986)
By: CubMike

Kraftwerk - Expo 2000 (2002)
By: CubMike (telejunkie)

Kraftwerk - The Robots
By: CubMike

Stephen J Gould, The Case of the Irish Elk.

Stephen J Gould, The Case of the Irish Elk.

I'm trying to think, but nothing's happening

Meet Toxoplasma gondii  ....

In 2000, British scientists demonstrated that rats infected with Toxoplasma lost their fear of cats. They proposed that this strategy increased the parasite's chances of getting into its final host.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The Antikythera Mechanism

The Antikythera Mechanism -

The device itself was surprisingly thin; about 33 cm high, 17 cm wide and 9 cm thick, made of bronze and originally mounted in a wooden frame. It was inscribed with a text of over 2,000 characters, of which about 95% have been deciphered. The full text of the inscription has not yet been published.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Bada Dada + Vivaldi: Winter
Paintings by Bada Dada, music by Vivaldi. Winter in Budapest, Rákoskeresztur.

badadada budapest by underground01 (7 videos) Badaista reklam a 2006.aprilis elsejei Totaltavasz Kikelet aukciohoz
(Budapest, Katapult Kavezo)

Tribute to history's greatest rock band from Tags: Lou   Reed   Velvet   Underground   John   Cale   Sterling   Morrison   Maureen   Tucker   Doug   Yule   Andy   Warhol
exploding plastic inevitable show
the boston tea party

Shamu Takes Out Kayak ... ... Wow. So there you are, just enjoying a nice day out kayaking when an Orca decides to take you out.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Christine Jorgensen writes:

He thought it was. biconnected cavern "Well, maybe not.

His first really clear memory of this now, the now outside the storm-haze, was of stopping, of being suddenly aware he just couldn't pull another breath, and that was all right, that was good, that was in fact just peachy-keen; he could take a certain level of pain but enough was enough and he was glad to be getting out of the game. Do these belong to you? "He should feel angry and dismayed, he supposed. ""Yes, Annie. ""Not at all,»Annie said. If she wants to get me a replacement, I'll thank her kindly, but if she doesn't I'll finish on the goddam legal pads The one thing I won't do is scream. The old guy had been looking over his right shoulder, guiding the car down the driveway. bengali

Friday, June 9, 2006

I think it was Jean-Paul Sartre, the French existentialist philosopher, who, when he went to Las Vegas for the first time, looked in astonishment at the neon wonderland of the casinos on the Strip. Then he said, "If only I could not read, I would think I was in Paradise."

Friday, June 2, 2006

2006 Full Moon

Times are Universal Time
- SEPT. 7 18:42 UT
- OCT. 7 03:13 UT
- NOV. 5 12:58 UT

Following New Mexico and New York in the Top 10 most liberal states are New Jersey, Washington, California, Vermont, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut and Hawaii, according to the rankings.