Wednesday, November 30, 2005

On the future of gamma-ray burst cosmology
E Mörtsell et al 2005 J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. JCAP06(2005)009

E Mörtsell and J Sollerman
Department of Astronomy, Stockholm University, AlbaNova, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
E-mail: and

Abstract. With the understanding that the enigmatic gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are beamed explosions, and with the recently discovered 'Ghirlanda relation', the dream of using GRBs as cosmological yardsticks may have come a few steps closer to reality. Assuming that the Ghirlanda relation is real, we have investigated possible constraints on cosmological parameters using a simulated future sample of a large number of GRBs inspired by the ongoing SWIFT mission. Comparing with constraints from a future sample of Type Ia supernovae, we find that GRBs are not efficient in constraining the amount of dark energy or its equation of state. The main reason for this is that very few bursts are available at low redshifts.

Controlled keywords: cosmological constant experiments, classical tests of cosmology

E-print number: astro-ph/0504245
Cited: by
Refers: to

Received 15 April 2005, accepted for publication 13 June 2005 Published 24 June 2005

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Toyota's i-unit concept

Toyota's i-unit concept will make its U.S. debut at the 2005 New York International Auto Show. The single passenger i-unit is a form of "personal mobility" that seeks to balance freedom of movement, harmony with society, and harmony with the Earth's natural environment. Its design was inspired by a leaf and expresses the power of the unknown, the logic of living things and the simple beauty of waste-free functionality.

Toyota i-unit concept,(30 marzo 2005)

Sunday, November 20, 2005

amadou and mariam, 2005. dimanche a bamako. mali

Amadou Bagayoko y Mariam Doumbia son dos cantantes africanos, naturales de Mali, ambos sufren de ceguera y son marido y mujer. Llevan en el mundo de la música desde los años 70 y en el caso de Amadou, éste formó parte un tiempo de los legendarios Ambassadors.

Good Morning Burlington Vermont
Sun ra meets the beetles, wruv rocks out on the heavy jazz freeway.
Don't take it away : Singin' Sammy Ward?

Sunday, November 13, 2005

What's on your mind?

20Q, Bandai

This ball-like gadget comes with artificial intelligence built-in and can guess what you are thinking by asking you 20 questions and analyzing your answers.

Already available in an English version, the Japanese version went on sale 11/11 for, alas, ¥2100. (

Spotted in Japan Today, November 9, 2005.  What's on your mind?

Tokyo Nights by Donald Richie

Tokyo Nights
By Donald Richie

Review by Roy Mustang, JapanToday, October 21, 2005

Donald Richie's savage social satire of bubble-era Tokyo is as withering and hilarious as when it was first published in 1988. It's a dreamy but raunchy Shakesperian comedy of manners.

Paunchy company president Hiroshi and his aging mistress Mariko play out their little machinations against the backdrop of nightclub The Yamato (Old Japan), set to be remodeled at Hiroshi's expense - if only Mariko can parlay his wandering eye into guilt enough to open his bulging wallet.

Recently reissued, Tokyo Nights is required reading for the city's English-speaking ghetto of sociology majors with no fixed address: the foreign perspective coming from inside the house. ("He knows us better than we know ourselves,"  says Mariko of Mr Paul, the novel-s voiceless foreign observer.)

Memoirs of a Space Traveller, Entry 116,309

Entry 116,309 // We are approaching the speed of light. Hundreds of unknown phenomena. A new kind of elementary particle has made its appearance - squarks. Not very large, but noisy. Something peculiar is happening to my head. I remember that my father was Barnaby, but I had another named Balaton. Unless that's a lake in Albania. I must check in the encyclopedia. The aunts are buckling under, quantum by quantum, yet still gamely knitting away. Bad smell on the 3rd deck. Oliphant's child doesn't crawl now, it only flies, making use of the recoil from front and back discharges alternatively. Amazing, the organism's capacity for adaptation!

From Stanislaw Lem, Memoirs of a Space Traveller.

Solaris - the LEM station :
Talks with Robots :;action=display;num=1087236037

Dzienniki gwiazdowe (1971) / The Star Diaries (New York, 1976), Memoirs of a Space Traveller (London, 1982)

Saturday, November 5, 2005

Berlin Discos

Jakov im Osten
Hannover-Göttingen-Rostock:::::Sachen schreiben::::

Sonntag, November 06, 2005
Freitag abend im Rechenbunker Teil 2(jetzt ist es schon Sonntag...murmel)
Berlín Discos

domingo, octubre 23, 2005
...Por motivos de viaje, las actividades de este blog quedan momentaneamente suspendidas.
Gracias por pasar a los que lo hagan, y...hasta pronto!
A Modern Day Grand Tour
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Las cataratas de Iguazu

What a trip! Last weekend a couple of friends and I went to see the Iguazu waterfalls at the border of Argentina and Brazil. They were absolutely amazing. I really haven't seen anything like that in my entire life -- just truly breathtaking. The waterfalls are actually a group of around 250 waterfalls clustered together over a span of 2.5 miles. They are so many that you really can't get a sense of how big they are by looking at them. Right now its spring here and you would not imagine the amount of water tumbling over the cliff. The water was a bit of a brown color because of the spring rainfall but during the summer and fall, the water is blue.

Wednesday, November 2, 2005

Pink Noise

Noise : Drown Distraction   

It's the hottest sensation to sweep the nation: Pink Noise! Also known as a signal with even power distribution on a logarithmic frequency scale, pink noise masks background noise to help you concentrate. Now with source code and white noise, for those less colorful. Drown out annoying roommates and co-workers today!

Martin Léon Kiki BBQ

Martin Léon Kiki BBQ (La Tribu/Select)

This is the latest horse in the stable of La Tribu, the local label that’s also home to Les Cowboys Fringants and Jérome Minière. Léon’s particular spin on the neo-chansonnier formula comes off well, a folksy bluespop moderne with a sly groove and sly wit. A confidential, you-me-and-the-bedpost tone informs his delivery, almost whispered at times, of a lyrical stance halfway between thinking man and wise guy. In fact, the most earnest piece here is the nonsensical “Somelaihen” (the rest sport jouale so thick that the lyric book is a soup of apostrophes). Filled out with some spacey atmospherics and a little Beatles flavour (as on the title track), Kiki BBQ sizzles with slow-burning goodness. 8/10 (Rupert Bottenberg)

Tuesday, November 1, 2005

Tu comprends rien

Tu comprends rien is what I've been hearing off and on CBX-FM, espace musique. I was able to catch the album title, Kiki BBQ, and from there the song, then the album, then the lyrics. It's perfect music for November, a lilting melody, a quick rhythm, and a larconic romanticism. The album liner notes show Martin Leon sitting in front of an old Smith Corona portable typewriter, which somehow  captures it's attitude nicely.

                       ô lili, ma lili
             'sont à 'veille de fermer
     ça faut deux heures que j'attends
              que tu viennes me parler
à quoi tu penses ? qu'est-ce tu fais ?
                quessé qu''t'as fumé ?
            dis-moé pas qu{tu vois pas
            qu'j'arrê d'te r'garder !?

                    tu comprends rien.

                 ô Méo, mon Méo
                 ch't'à veille de m'en aller
                 ça fait de mois que j'attends
                 que tu viennes m'embarasser
                 t'es marié ? t'es fucké ?
                 t'aimes pas mon décolleté?
                 tu vois rien ça s'voit ben
                 moé j'fais rien qu'te l'montrer !

                    tu comprends rien.

           j'aimerais tant savoir lire
                  le fond de ta pensée
                ça m'éviterait souvent
                       de me fracasser
                 mon amour savoir dire
                le fond de nos pensées
             ça nous éviterait souvent
                   ben des tracas, tsé

                     tu comprends bien
                   qu'on comprend tien

17 h 14
Titre: Tu comprends rien
Album: Martin Leon: Kiki BBQ
Interprète(s): Martin Leon
Compositeurs: Martin Leon
Étiquette: LA TRIBU, TRICD - 7203

Updated, 2005.11.13.

Martin Léon - Kiki BBQ

Martin Léon - Kiki BBQ

Ce disque est vraiment bon! Rythme empreint de folie, Martin Léon surprend! Mon coup de coeur? Grand Bill définitivement! L'album au complet est un pur délice pour l'ouïe. Je le conseille pour les amoureux de la musique québécoise. Un style différent qui traversera le temps. Martin Léon, on se souviendra de toi!

Saturday, September 17, 2005

What's on the minds of America's youth today?

More than 30 years ago, young people across the country staged sit-ins for civil rights, got up and protested against a misguided, undeclared war, and actually gave a damn if a president lied to them. Although a lot has changed since then, there are still racial divides, and America is once again mired in a largely controversial war. Back in the 1060s and 70s, a similar climate motivated great numbers of young people to act, organized, and take to the streets in defiance. Today it seems as if younger Americans are content to watch their MTV, fiddle with their game players, follow the love lives of Brad, Jen, Jessica, and Paris, and assume the hard work is being done for them by others. What has changed? Is it simply that we do not have the motivating factors such as a draft of or Kent State to bring us together, to anger us? What is going on inside the minds of American youth today ?

The 2005 Vanity Fair Essay Contest
Sponsored by Montblanc

In 1,500 words or fewer, explain what is on the minds of America's youth. The grand prize is $15,000 a week at a writer's retreat in Tuscany, and a Montblanck Meisterstuck 149 fountain pen. Second prize is $5,000 and a Montblanc Boheme fountain pen. Third prize and a Montblanc StarWalker Fine Liner. Allentrries must be received no later than September 30, 2005. For details, rules, and conditions, please visit

The 2005 Vanity Fair Essay Contest
Sponsored by Montblanc

In 1,500 words or fewer, explain what is on the minds of America's youth.

The grand prize is $15,000 a week at a writer's retreat in Tuscany, and a Montblanck Meisterstuck 149 fountain pen. Second prize is $5,000 and a Montblanc Boheme fountain pen. Third prize and a Montblanc StarWalker Fine Liner. Allentrries must be received no later than September 30, 2005. For details, rules, and conditions, please visit

Saturday, September 3, 2005

Don't Eat Before Reading This

Anthony Bourdain Don't Eat Before Reading This

Reading the New Yorker, August 22, 2005

Calvin Trillin, The culinary approach to Spanish.

Judith Thurman, Night Kitchens - Japan's artisanal-tofu masters.

John Seabrook, Renaissance Pears - Growing a museum of fruit in Umbria. A profile of Isabella Dalla Ragione, who's field is archeologia arborea, and is tracking down fruit that once graced the Renaissance tables of the Medici. Keeping an orchard was a principle of scientific humanism - nature and technology. Each house had a pomari, an orchard of about 10 trees.


by John McPhee
Issue of 1987-02-23
Posted 2005-09-12

This week in The Talk of the Town, The New Yorker reprints an excerpt from this piece, from 1987, on the Army Corps of Engineers efforts to tame the waters of Louisiana. Here is the full text of the article.

Friday, September 2, 2005

Reading aloud

audio books found in iTunes

In the Companyof Cheerful Ladies: The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency
Alexander McCall Smith $22.95

Cheerful Baby
Brainy Baby
Ian and Sylvia, Early Morning Rain

Keyword Tracking

Top keywords Pacific Epoch is tracking (out of a total of 5164 keywords):  (Click on any keyword to get related news, highlights indicate related keywords, darker shade means stronger relationship)

 Pacific Epoch's analysts filter, analyze and summarize developments Monday to Friday and thanks to Pacific Epoch's 'Keyword highlight' you can skim through our headlines for the news you need daily.

An experiment in minimal digital media.


found while searching for Girogio Conte

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Cricket chirps

To convert cricket chirps to degrees Fahrenheit, count number of chirps in 14 seconds then add 40 to get temperature.

Example: 30 chirps + 40 = 70° F

To convert cricket chirps to degrees Celsius, count number of chirps in 25 seconds, divide by 3, then add 4 to get temperature.

Example: 48 chirps /(divided by) 3 + 4 = 20° C

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Cyclops of Chubu

Cyclops is a quiet humanoid machine which simply gives a staring glance at passers-by.It owes its name to Cyclops, the single-eyed giant in Greek mythology.
Its backbone is similar in structure to that of humans, and some 30 pneumatically controlled muscles enable it to actualize <<elegant and smooth movements.>>

Cyclops is designed to react to moving objects. When Cyclops has spotted you,make a conspicuous move and see how it reacts.

Chubu Community for Millennial Symbiosis.

Mountain Zen Joel Saget/Agence France-Presse - Getty Images

With temperatures reaching 108 degrees, firemen sprayed cyclists with water during the Tour de France's 14th stage, which covered 137 miles from Agde to Ax-3 Domaines on the Tour's first day in the Pyrenees.

Battlestar Galactica 2.0

The interior of the Battlestar Galactica is a warren of shadowy, angular hallways and spare functional chambers split over two sound stages situated on the semi-industrial fringe of Vancouver, British Columbia. The Galactica is a spaceship, but it does not feel particularly space-age. The communication panels on the walls were scavenged from a Canadian destroyer; the desk lamps are from Ikea.

John Hodgman, Ron Moore's Deep Space Journey, New York Times Magazine, July 17, 2005.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

cybercafe culture

a frew weels ago, Coquitlam [British Columbia] city councillor wanted to ban all internet cafes in the city because of complaints about drugs and alcohol.

Similar rowdiness has occurrend in Loa Angeles. In fact, because of these troubles, on July, 2004, the Los Angeles City Council approved an ordinance restricting the hours during which minors can visit Internet cafes and requiring the shops to install video cameras for security. [2]

So, what is really going on? Are there cybercafes (internet cafes) that have webcams that we can watch ?  What can google turn up for us ?

(1) cybercafes in canada

[1] Internet cafes draw complaints in Coquitlam, CBC News, Jul 11 2005 08:33 AM PDT.


On Jul 16, 2005, at 1:49 AM, Garret Sokoloff wrote:

I seem to be one of the few people diagnosed with level 3 onomatopoeiaphobia. ...[F]or fellow suffers of this dreaded syndrome, I recommend the following website:

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Live footage from the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

40,000 caribou calves are born in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge during the first weeks of June. Our team of cinematographers and technicians are on the coastal plain right now- in the area slated for oil development.

See what we are seeing!

Link from

Suggested by Ossain.

chinese family names come from a poem

The first known people to acquire surnames were the Chinese. Legends suggest that the Emperor Fushi decreed the use of surnames, or family names, about 2852 BC. The Chinese customarily have three names. The surname is placed first and comes from one of the 438 words in the sacred Chinese poem Po-Chia-Hsing. The family name is followed by a generation name, taken from a poem of 30 characters adopted by each family. The given name is then placed last.

Found with the google query "chinese family names come from a poem" at

Additional information

The Generation Name Poem (班次聯),

Chinese Family Names,

Thursday, June 9, 2005



The Post Finder World

   Wired magazine has an article on the evolution of the Macintosh interface and how "Spotlight" will slowly replace the "Finder",2125,67774,00.html

Key drivers are

+ more data (to begin  with)
+ more file (data, object) management inside the application (iTunes, iPhoto, MacJournal)
+ faster search engine
+ collapse of hierarchical world view
+ emergence of google mind set

Abby Christopher and Mike Faden, Tiger Tweaks Could Kill Folders, Wired News, 02:00 AM Jun. 09, 2005 PT
Spotted by K C.

Torque Game Engine SDK

Torque is a cross-platform gaming engine with award-winning multi-player network code, seamless indoor/outdoor rendering engines, state of the art skeletal animation, drag-and-drop GUI creation, a built-in world editor, and a C-like scripting language.

eat toxic waste; power my cd player

   bacteria turn waste into electricity at

Spotted by CJ.

Wednesday, June 8, 2005

Specs on MacTel Madhines

"Individuals attending Apple's Worldwide Developer Conference have submitted Xbench benchmark results from Apple's Pentium 4-based Power Mac systems. The benchmarks do not reflect native performance of the 3.6GHz systems, however, but rather provide an indication of how PowerPC-compiled applications will run under Rosetta on Intel-based systems."

I'm looking forward to the performance matrix for

+ Intel/Windows XP
+ Intel/Linux
+ Intel/OS X
+ PowerPC/OS X

And especially for how this will play out in the scientific computing spheres of bioinformatics, computation science, etc.

Spotted by KC.

Ars Technica on MacTel.

KC sent this link to a fairly reflectful article on Apple's planned transition from PowerPC to Intel architecture - .

Key elements

+ Steve Job's disappointment in not seeing a G5 chip for the PowerBook line
+ IBM's lack of interest
+ Microsoft has to pay close attention
+ Really, only Geeks care

Missing elements are

+ is the "PC" relevant anymore ? (Is the net the computer? Is google the operating system ?)
+ is the "Mac" relevant anymore ? (Isn't the iPod the next generation computer for the "rest" of us?)
+ ?

Tuesday, June 7, 2005

Towards the infoWall

One computer, four displays
shows a nice notebook based "infowall".

Sunday, May 8, 2005

Bon Jour

So this is yet another blog. Lets see where it takes us.