Saturday, April 29, 2006

frm bush diaries

frm bush diaries

All narcotics in Crawford are legal here and easily accessible.  What isn't available on the streets can often be acquired in the pharmacies at a fraction of what it would cost in the states.  

   Pizza is sold in most of the restaurants I've entered.  Here they have a pizza ingredient that I hadn't seen on any menu in Maine.  A happy pizzas, as they are referred to here, is one that has been laced with marijuana.  Naturally, I was curious and had to try one of these happy meals for myself.  

   An hour after polishing off a happy mushroom, onions, and pepperoni special, I was wandering along the river thinking that they must have forgotten to put the weed in my pizza dough since I was feeling perfectly lucid.  An hour after that, I was staring at a ripple in the water trying to remember what country I was in.  

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