Tuesday, May 30, 2006

29 mai 2006 13 h 16
Titre/ Roucky
Album/ Desert Blues - Ambiances du Sahara
Interprète(s)/ Ali Farka Toure, Taj Mahak
Compositeurs/ Ali Farka Tour
Étiquette/ WORLD NETWORK, 58774

Monday, May 29, 2006

up, was washing the carriage wheels, "saddle me..." "Which, sir?" "Well, let it be Kolpik." "Yes, sir." While they were saddling his horse, Levin again called up the bailiff, who was hanging about in sight, to make it up with him, and began talking to him about the spring operations before them, and his plans for the farm. The wagons were to begin carting manure earlier, so as to get all done before the early mowing. And the ploughing of the further land to go on without a break so as to let it ripen lying fallow. And the mowing to be all done by hired labor, not on half-profits. The bailiff listened attentively, and obviously made an effort to approve of his employer's projects. But still he had that look Levin knew so well that always irritated him, a look of hopelessness and despondency. That look said: "That's all very well, but as God wills." Nothing mortified Levin so much as that tone. But it was the tone common to all the bailiffs he had ever had. They had all taken up that attitude to his plans, and so now he was not angered by it, but mortified, and felt all the more roused to struggle against this, as it seemed, elemental force continually

Saturday, May 27, 2006

SIM LRG ... Cynthia Vigni, a freelance graphic artist in Winnipeg, Manitoba, started playing "The Sims" six years ago and now plays for about 30 minutes a day. Ms. Vigni, 35, says one of her favorite activities is renovating her virtual home, which she uses as a model to redecorate her actual home.

(this link may or may not work ...)


Friday, May 26, 2006

All the ordinary conditions of life had ceased to exist

intense. All the ordinary conditions of life, without which one can form no conception of anything, had ceased to exist for Levin. He lost all sense of time. Minutes--those minutes when she sent for him and he held her moist hand, that would squeeze his hand with extraordinary violence and then push it away--seemed to him hours, and hours seemed to him minutes. He was surprised when Lizaveta Petrovna asked him to light a candle behind a screen, and he found that it was five o'clock in the afternoon. If he had been told it was only ten o'clock in the morning, he would not have been more surprised. Where he was all this time, he knew as little as the time of anything. He saw her swollen face, sometimes bewildered and in agony, sometimes smiling and trying to reassure him. He saw the old princess too, flushed and overwrought, with her gray curls in disorder, forcing herself to gulp down her tears, biting her lips; he saw Dolly too and the doctor, smoking fat cigarettes, and Lizaveta Petrovna with a firm, resolute, reassuring face, and the old prince walking up and down the hall with a frowning face. But why they came in and went out, where they were, he did not know. The princess was with the doctor in the bedroom, then in the study, where a table set for dinner suddenly appeared; then she was not there, but Dolly was. Then Levin remembered he had been sent somewhere. Once he had been sent to move a table and sofa. He had done this eagerly, thinking it had to be done for her sake, and only later on he found it was his own bed he had been getting ready. Then

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

16 h 37
Titre/ Malleus Maleficarum
Album/ The Da Vinci Code Film
Interprete(s)/ King's Consort Cho, Richard Harvey, Ron Howard.
Compositeurs/ Hans Zimmer
Etiquette/ DECCA, B - 000647902

The elegant, whiskered manservant, who used to be continually complaining to his acquaintances of the delicacy of his nerves, was so panic-stricken on seeing his master lying on the floor, that he left him losing blood while he ran for assistance. An hour later Varya, his brother's wife, had arrived, and with the assistance of three doctors, whom she had sent for in all directions, and who all appeared at the same moment, she got the wounded man to bed, and remained to nurse him. Chapter 19 The mistake made by Alexey Alexandrovitch in that, when preparing for seeing his wife, he had overlooked the possibility that her repentance might be sincere, and he might forgive her, and she might not die--this mistake was two months after his return from Moscow brought home to him in all its significance. But the mistake made by him had arisen not simply from his having overlooked that contingency, but also from the fact that until that day of his interview with his dying wife, he had not known his own heart. At his sick wife's bedside he had for the first time in his life given way to that feeling of sympathetic suffering always roused in him by the sufferings of others, and hitherto looked on by him with shame as a harmful weakness. And pity for her, and remorse for having desired her death, and most of all, the joy of forgiveness, made him at once conscious, not simply of the relief of his own sufferings, but of a spiritual peace he had never experienced before. He suddenly felt that the

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

When I was a child, people used to talk about what would happen by the year 2000. For the next thirty years they kept talking about what would happen by the year 2000, and now no one mentions a future date at all. The future has been shrinking by one year per year for my entire life.
I think it is time for us to start a long-term project that gets people thinking past the mental barrier of an ever-shortening future. I would like to propose a large (think Stonehenge) mechanical clock, powered by seasonal temperature changes. It ticks once a year, bongs once a century, and the cuckoo comes out every millennium


Web weary?
Posted on Tue, May. 23, 2006

DO YOU SUFFER from severe anxiety at the computer? Are you tired of MySpace and Instant Messenger? Then you may suffer from a common case of Internet boredom.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Bill Cosby - "A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice."

Sunday, May 21, 2006

1971 Protein Synthesis Dance Video

"Rarely have science and art merged as enduringly, or as endearingly, as in 'Protein Synthesis: An Epic on the Cellular Level,' a twenty-minute educational film that has become a classic to generations of high-school and college science students. On an open field at Stanford University in 1971, several hundred students convened to undulate and impersonate molecules undergoing protein synthesis by a ribosome. A few were trained dancers, wearing costumes and colored balloons to identify their roles; most were recruited with the promise of fun and refreshments.

But make no mistake: despite the flower-power feel and psychedelic strains of the 'Protein Jive Sutra,' this is serious science. The narrator is Nobel laureate Paul Berg, who explains the process in a prologue that introduces the leading players, such as 30s Ribosome, mRNA, and Initiator Factor One. "

Google Video

Kenyon College : Molecular Happening (Re-enactment)

Comment : Radical Congruency

Comment : BoingBoing

Lost in Cyberspace - the starving artist trailer park, somewhere in southern california.

Friday, May 19, 2006

10 a.m. Atop the pyramid

A plodding, beetlelike robot scales I.M. Pei's modernist pyramid, then eases down again. Slowly. Until two years ago, sure-footed climbers cleaned the 72-foot pyramid. Now a one-of-a-kind robot has the job. Michel Jocou, who mans the remote control, spends two full days on the task -- half a day for each side of the pyramid, now so emblematic of the Louvre that it's hard to believe it caused a public outcry when it was unveiled in 1988. When the sun glints off the glass, the effect is dazzling, dizzying. Jocou has never counted the number of panes. He takes it on faith that there are 666, like Dan Brown says.

855 a.m. Under the glass pyramid
In a darkened room, a dozen people quietly come together to learn the secrets of Mesopotamian fertility goddesses. It's the Louvre's help desk staff having a PowerPoint art history lesson before they meet and greet the hordes.
All day long, says internal communications manager Jan Sekal, they will answer two classic questions - "Where's the Mona Lisa?" "Where are the toilets?"

Une façon inouïe de souligner les 100 ans qu'aurait eus le compositeur russe, cette année. 

L'intégrale des quators de chostakovitch
Tous les jeudis, du 4 mai au 1er juin à 20 h, Sylvia L'Écuyer présente les quatuors à cordes de Chostakovitch interprétés par le célèbre Quatuor Borodine, enregistrés dans le cadre du Festival de musique de chambre d'Ottawa 2005. Une façon inouïe de souligner les 100 ans qu'aurait eus le compositeur russe, cette année. 

L'intégrale des quators de chostakovitch

Tous les jeudis, du 4 mai au 1er juin à 20 h, Sylvia L'Écuyer présente les quatuors à cordes de Chostakovitch interprétés par le célèbre Quatuor Borodine, enregistrés dans le cadre du Festival de musique de chambre d'Ottawa 2005.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Sunday, May 14, 2006

· http://www.angryalien.com/ : Several 30-second animated versions of famous movies ("Alien," "Star Wars," "Pulp Fiction"), re-enacted by bunnies. As drawn and voiced by Jennifer Shiman and seen on the Starz cable network, the shorts prove at least one point: If every movie pitch can be condensed into three words -- "X meets Y" -- then every movie can be boiled down to 30 seconds. And told with bunnies.
from the washington post

Friday, May 12, 2006

Cockroach Controlled Mobile Robot ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwZD59Ic9T8
By Garnet Hertz (2005) "Cockroach Controlled Mobile Robot" is an experimental mechanism that uses a living Madagascan hissing cockroach atop a modified trackball to control a three-wheeled robot. If the cockroach moves left, the robot moves left. Infrared sensors also provide navigation feedback to the cockroach, striving to create a pseudo-intelligent system with the cockroach as the CPU.

Dandy Warhols

dandy warhols - tv theme song 
... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nNK3vVJnyk

Dandy Warhols "Fast Driving Rave Up" live reading 1998 
 ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jh1MpBBRutI

Dandy Warhols "Bohemian Like You" Live at Glastonbury 2002 
... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBQNH5TFztM

Dandy warhols - Bohemian like you ... MTV version
... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FEvk0Ckeao

Bohemian Like You--MTV Version 
... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iG4sFY2KJ0o

Dandy Warhols You Were The Last High ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0Me0MZyk6s


Artiste marqué par le cinéma et l'univers des comédiens autant que par la chanson, Martin Léon a composé pour le théâtre et étudié avec Ennio Morricone avant de s'impliquer dans le groupe Ann Victor à la fin des années quatre-vingt-dix. Jamais éloigné de l'univers cinématographique, il propose en 2002 un premier album intitulé "Kiki BBQ" sur l'étiquette de La Tribu, où les atmosphères entourant plusieurs mélodies suggèrent l'interaction de personnages dignes des films de série B... ou Z. Pas étonnant que ce soit "C'est ça qui est ça", pseudo conversation téléphonique qui tient finalement plus du monologue que du dialogue, que l'on entende d'abord sur les ondes des radios non-formatées! On pourrait en dire autant de "Tu comprends rien" ou de "Kiki BBQ" qui sont autant de mini scénarios.

En plus de chanter et de jouer sur ses chansons parfois intimes, parfois en clins d'oeil comme "Grand Bill", "Bumper à bumper", Martin Léon signe tous les arrangements et la réalisation de son premier album, ce qui imprime à l'ensemble un caractère familier, dans une veine semblable au "Ciné-Parc" que nous avait offert Ann Victor, quatre ans plus tôt.

KiKi BBQ Musiciens - Martin Léon: guitares et divers instruments sauf Marc de Vinci: mellotron, thérémine, échantillonnage; Jeff Smallwood: dobro; Stephen Wartley: dobro; Justin Allard: batterie; James Darling: violoncelle
Source material from http://www.qim.com/albums/description.asp?albumid=1903

My Friend Dario. From song meanings - http://www.songmeanings.net/lyric.php?lid=3530822107858557883

A desk is a dangerous place from which to watch the world.
  - John le Carre

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Funny Quote of the Day - Bill Cosby - "A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice."

Street-legal jet powered VW Beetle

Street-legal jet powered VW Beetle

When bugs fly / Auto geek hits highway for surreptitious runs in jet-powered VW
Ron Patrick shows Chronicle reporter Michael Taylor his jet-powered Volkswagen Beetle and fires off its afterburner behind his company's offices in Sunnyvale. Duration: 4:52. File size: 22 MB. Camera and editing by James Irwin, Chronicle Staff
   The full article can be found at http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2006/04/30/MNGJGII7BB1.DTL

Vitalic. My Friend Dario

Vitalic. My Friend Dario. Experimental musician Pascal Arbez-Nicolas lays down some nasty dance-rock in this new single off his latest LP OK Cowboy. The Frenchman produced this entire record by using only synthesizers.

   html -
mov -

What the BLEEP - Down the Rabbit Hole

What the BLEEP - Down the Rabbit Hole is an extended Director's Cut of What the Bleep Do We Know!? It includes new scientific findings that supplement the original movie, and it goes more deeply into the concepts explored.

We still follow Amanda as her uninspired life unravels to reveal the uncertain world of quantum mechanics hidden beneath her normal, waking reality. But in the Director's Cut, the interviews are lengthened and a full 95% of all interviews is new, never before seen footage exploring the links between quantum mechanics, neurobiology, human consciousness and day-to-day reality.

Featuring 90 minutes of new interviews and two new scientists, Dean Radin, Ph.D., and Dr. Masaru Emoto, and author of The Field, Lynne McTaggart; and introducing Dr. Quantum in 20 minutes of new animation, this is the deeper exploration that you've been asking for.


James Ellroy's World

James Ellroy's World. Scene of the Crime. Photographs from the LAPD Archive.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Drive Time

Liste des données pour le 09 mai 2006 06 h 52 
Étiquette: MIRARE, MIR - 9969

Tuesday, May 9, 2006

Don't worry about people stealing an idea. If it's original, you will have to ram it down their throats.
  - Howard Aiken

Saturday, May 6, 2006

Where is Ground Zero ?

Distance between Alamogordo, New Mexico, and several major cities:

- Albuquerque, 159 miles (255 km) (138 nautical miles)
- Santa Fe, 193 miles (310 km) (167 nautical miles)
- Phoenix, 357 miles (575 km) (310 nautical miles)
- Dallas, 535 miles (860 km) (465 nautical miles)
- Las Vega, 576 miles (926 km) (500 nautical miles)
- Salt Lake City, 637 miles (1025 km) (553 nautical miles)
- Los Angeles, 724 miles (1164 km) (629 nautical miles)
- San Francisco, 995 miles (1601 km) (865 nautical miles)
- Burlington, 1925 miles (3098 km) (1673 nautical miles)

Friday, May 5, 2006

Otaku from USA
7 min 50 sec - Apr 5, 2006

Clip from a Japanese Fuji TV showing a group of Anime/Manga fans in Japan as part of the "Pop Japan Tour."

Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Drive Time

espace musique 02 mai 2006 16h 42

16 h 42 
Titre: LA PAIX, HWV 351 NO 3
Étiquette: ATMA, ACD - 22367

Tuesday, May 2, 2006

Sahte Asker
4 min 34 sec - Mar 15, 2006
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Cem Yilmaz'in Doritos reklamindan esinlenme askerlerin kendi imkanlari ile cektikleri video. Gercekten cok komik.

Sahte Asker - unknown - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3171173481264920510

bis eurodisco video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCK20o4kcGE
Czikulinka VS Tostilla
InFeRnO http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5145043161974031364&q=euro+disco&pl=true

Another episode of Devvo - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6547874089205723025&pl=true from http://www.fat-pie.com/

The Italian Renaissance

Radio-Canada CA, Espace Musique

7 h 11
Compositeurs: ANONYME ITALIE
Étiquette: ALPHA, 503