Saturday, July 29, 2006

Espace Musique

12 h 05
Titre: Die Zauberflote, K 620 (Acte 1)
Album: Mozart: Die Zauberflote
Interprete(S): Rene Pape, Erika Miklosa, Dorothea Roschmann, Christoph Strehl, \
Hanno Muller-Brachmann, Julia Kleiter, Georg Zeppenfeld, Kurt Azesberger, Schoe\
nberg Arnold Cho, Mahler Orch Cha, Claudio Abbado
Compositeurs: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Emmanuel Schikaneder
Etiquette: DGG, 2894775789

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the curious incident of the dog in the night-time, a novel by mark haddon, vintge books, 2003.

Christopher John Frances Boone knoes all the countries of the world and their capitals and every prime number up to 7,057. He relates well to animals but has no understanding of human emotions. He cannot stand to be touched. And he detests the color yellow.

This improbable story of Christopher's quest tin investigate the suspicious death of a neighborhood fog makes for one of the mosts captivating, unusual, and widely heralded novels in recent years.


And when I was asleep I had one of my favorite dreams. Sometimes I have it during the day, but then it's a day-dream. But I often have it in the night as well.

And in the dream nearly everyone on earth is dead, because they caught a virus. But it's not like a normal virus. It's like a computer virus. And people catch it because of the meaning of something an infected person says and the meaning of what they do with their faces when they say it, which means that people can also get it from watching an infected person on television, which means tht it spreads around the world really quickly.

And when people get the virus they just sit on the sofa and do nothing and they don't eat or drink and so they die. But sometimes I have different versions of the dream, like when you can see two versions of a film, the ordinary one and the director's cut, like Blade Runner. And in some versions of the dream the virus makes them crash their cars or walk into the sea and drown, or jump into rivers, and I think that this version is better because then there aren't bodies of dead people everywhere.

Friday, July 28, 2006

28 ju28 juillet 2006

28 juillet 2006

15 h 55 
Titre: SUMMA
Compositeurs: ARVO PART
Étiquette: ATMA, ACD - 22310

Espace musique - 27 juillet 2006

27 juillet 2006

16 h 08
Titre: CONCERTO, K 466
Etiquette: PHILIPS, 4626222

06 h 48
Titre: CONCERTO, K 238
Eiquette: DECCA, 4768904

Goliath now gestured toward the house. She thought the only danger of being noticed would come on Route 9, but even there the risk would be small - she only had to drive four miles of it.

Here comes the real trick, Annie. All I ever did was pull you out of your wrecked car before you could freeze to death and splint your poor broken legs and give you medicine to ease your pain and take care of you and talk you out of a bad book youd written and into the best one you ever wrote. He knew one thing with some certainty - a lot more was wrong with him than paralysis of the tongue, just as a lot more was wrong with what he had been writing than the missing key or the fever or continuity lapses or even a loss of guts. Hanging from the lowest branch of this tree was an old-fashioned pair of blued steel handcuffs.

Wilkes is survived by his wife, Crysilda, a son, Paul, 18, and a daughter, Anne, 14. "Colter spoke hesitantly.

"Id want to know what was going to happen in Chapter 18 even if I7 ended with Misery and Ian and Geoffrey sitting in armchairs on the porch, reading newspapers. "Dimly: "Ms Wilkes, if we could have just a few - "You can have a couple of loads of double-ought buck up your cockadoodie bumhole if you dont get out of here


Devo's music and stage show mingle kitsch science fiction themes, deadpan surrealist humor, and mordantly satirical social commentary ...

"Christ, so late, so late, he thought. Paul sat looking at it for a long time, almost as if there were something to see.

"And hadnt he known this was coming? He wiped his eyes - crying was not going to get him out, of this - and looked out through the window which made up the top half of the door. He might be able to break one and yell for help if someone showed up here before he starved to death, but that wasnt much comfort. He could see it lying in there like the curved foot of a rocking chair, pressing the tongue of the lock, holding it in place, holding him in place.

That the latter had begun to look slightly more attractive than the former said all that probably needed to be said about the worsening state of his body, mind, and spirit. He rolled farther into the room.

He meant to get out if he could rain or no rain; this was his chance and this time he meant to take it. It wasnt just the worsening pain in his legs; he was edging toward a state of terminal freak-out.

I bet it made his daily newscast

I bet it made his daily newscast, too. He put the knife on the night-table, hoisted himself into bed, then slid it under the mattress.

"Look out, shes coming! He did not even relax when he heard the side door slam and lock, followed by splashing steps outside. "This was a lie he had made up on the spur of the moment, but it had the desired effect - she looked more confused than ever, lost in a specialistsworld of which she had not the slightest knowledge. "She slapped herself across the left cheek with her left hand, hard enough to leave an imprint.

The clock in the church tower began to chime the hour of twelve - the hour when, her mother had told her, the door between life and death sways open a bit and the dead may pass both ways - and it was all Mrs. They are all against me, Paul!

He bent over, ignoring the pain in his legs, and began to work the loose section of baseboard out with his fingers. Paul knew that even an exhaustive analysis would turn up precious few traces of blood - his car had spent most of the spring with snowmelt running through it at flood-speed.


They passed beyond his sightline. "Ive got yogurt and a nice boiled egg for you, and then it will be time for you to begin.

"Youre dripping with sweat. Then she twisted the nozzle off and walked back along the hoses length, looping it over her arm. This thought was of a broken-off piling which had jutted from the sand at Revere Beach. Then, with a deep and almost painful timidity, she offered the only editorial suggestion she ever made to him.

"And Ill say, "If Elvis Presley was still alive and you saw him last winter, would you remember seeing him? Do you remember the chapter-plays?

He got out of his well-kept Chevrolet Bel Air, holding part of the Camaros bumper in one hand and its steering wheel in the other. Pain in his legs - particularly in the bunched remains of his left knee - and pain in his pelvis as well.


"And the second time to get food. Paul regarded this a moment, then opened his pad, picked up a pencil, and found the hole in the paper.

But its not going to work. "If you bring me my manuscript and one of those yellow legal pads, Ill work in longhand,he said. As far as the barn goes, it really isnt much work, as long as you dont let things pile up. She stood looking at him, at the darkening, bloody sheets with vague consternation - her face was the face of a woman who hears on her radio that an earthquake has killed ten thousand people in Pakistan or Turkey.

She was standing there in the shadows as if she had never been away, wearing one of her woolly skirts and frumpy sweaters; he saw the needle in her hand and understood it hadnt been a sting but an injection. "I was smarter than that.

Sitting already hurt; the pain would be monstrous by the time she got back, even if she hurried. - done in what Paul thought was an eerily apt hand for his heroine, not a round and flowing ladiesscript but a half-feminine copperplate), Miserys Couch, Miserys Sampler (Let Love Instruct You; Do Not Presume to Instruct Love), etc.


Thursday, July 27, 2006

Lees see if I can do it.

Lees see if I can do it. They want the same two things they always want - for you to fuck up while the tapes running and for someone else to buy the martinis when Happy Hour rolls around.

Dont you DARE, or Ill - What? And here was a startling picture from the Rocky Mountain News, a photo of Annie sitting calmly in her holding cell and reading Miserys Quest. The phone - the working phone - would have gotten on her nerves long before he came. He supposed there was a certain symbolism in Annies pantry - the ranks of goods had something to say about the murkiness of the borderline between the Sovereign State of Reality and the Peoples Republic of Paranoia.

He used the bedpan and it hurt to piss and he realized with some dismay that a urinary infection was probably setting in. Then the pain and the haze.

He lay in bed looking at the ceiling, his throat dry and his heart beating fast. Her complexion was still too pallid, but in her cheeks Ian could see the first signs of returning color.

And what was on her breath. There was a calf, and a thigh, and then a sickening bunch in the middle that looked like a salt-dome.

The side-to-side sway stopped. Now the light in the room did not look dull; it looked marvellously pure, marvellously full of its own gray and eldritch charm; he could imagine cranes half-glimpsed in gunmetal mist standing in one-legged silence beside upland lakes in that light, could imagine the mica flecks in rocks jutting from spring grasses in upland meadows shining with the shaggy glow of glazed window-glass in that light, could imagine elves shucking their busy selves off to work in lines under the dew-soaked leaves of early ivy in that light. They were giving you pain, and you could only move them a little, but you were moving them. "Little by little Ian relaxed between the two men, one of them black, the other white.

Heres a special weather bulletin for residents of Sheldon County - a tomado watch is in effect until 5. So why dont I get at it?

Ill say he came just when I was getting ready to leave for Steamboat Heaven to look at the ceramics. Identical rows of men (with identical bottles of nutrient hung from identical IV trays beside their beds) filled the place.

That, and the panic in her voice. But the bottles will break and even if there are no bottles, fat chance, everyone has at least a bottle of Listerine or Scope or something in their medicine cabinet, you have no way of putting back what you knock down.

Someone important to me. He supposed that, in her deepening psychotic spiral, she had begun to see all of them as poor poor things. "He turned back again and yes, her face had gone black, a dusky rotted-plum black from which her bleeding eyes bulged wildly. She came in that evening around quarter of twelve and said: "You should have been in bed an hour ago, Paul.

Mr Krenmitz rescued the surviving Krenmitz child, Laurene Krenmitz, who is eighteen months old. Youll have to change it.

But the problem was the same as the old Novril-in-the-ice-cream trick: in both cases neither was sure enough. There was a snap as the pin broke in two, the part in the lock falling in, and he had a dull moment to consider his failure before he saw that the door was slowly swinging open with the tongue of the lock sticking out of the plate like a steel finger.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Kokka no hinkaku (The dignity of (a) Nation)

Masahiko Fujiwara
Kokka no hinkaku
(The dignity of (a) Nation)
Topics include (from the back cover):

* The illusion of capitalism's triumph
* Pride in a civilization based on emotion
* The importance of Japanese and kanji over English
* Knowing the limits of logic
* The revival of bushido (samurai spirit)
* Why foreign aid is unneccesary
* Love of family, love of hometown, love of the fatherland, love of humanity
* Seeking out a "true elite"

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Dog gone: Kobayashi's winning marks since 2001

2006 53¾ 160 lbs
2005 49 148
2004 53½ 140
2003 44½
2002 50½
2001 50 110

John Naisbitt
Megatrends - Ten New Directions Transforming Our Lives
Warner Books (Paperback), 1982, 1984.

In this book, John Naisbitt presents a new way of looking at America's future and a new way of understanding the jumble of the present. It shows you the coming decade as a period of great changes and transitions in which America will shift from industrial production to providing service and information. From it you can learn where you should live and how you should target your energies. Megatrends is a primer for the eighties that outlines where our sophisticated technology is taking us, how we will be governed and how our social structures will change. It is a must read for everyone who cares about tomorrow.

01 Industrial society -> information society
02 Forced technology -> high tech / high touch
03 National economy -> world economy
04 Short term -> long term
05 Centralization -> decentralization
06 Institutional help -> self-help
07 Representative democracy -> participatory democracy
08 Hierarchies -> networking
09 North -> south
10 Either / or -> Multiple options

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Gathering paradise

New York Philharmonic World Premiere of Gathering Paradise
Augusta read Thomas's Gathering Paradise for soprano and orchestra had its world premiere at Lincoln Center with Lorin Maazel conducting the New York Philharmonic, on September 29, 30, and October 1, 2, and 5, 2004.

New York Magazine, October 18, 2004. Review:
The New York Philharmonic's first important concert of the season, with Lorin Maazel conducting, featured the world premiere of Augusta Read Thomas's Gathering Paradise - six Emily Dickinson settings for soprano (Heidi Grant Murphy) and orchestra that capture the restless fever of this poet's style in a way that few composers ever have. The 30-minute piece deals mainly in light images, suggesting a day-to-night journey in freshly minted orchestral colors and lyrical vocal lines that make the trip compulsively listenable. To my ears, the score strongly recalls the spicy neo-impressionistic music of Thomas's husband, Bernard Rands, whose compendiums for voice and orchestra are cast in a similar style. Clearly this is a family that thinks alike.
For those who found Thomas's challenging new piece too prickly, there was Lang Lang to clear the air with a virtuoso dash through Tchaikovsky's First Piano Concerto. A brash prodigy no more, at the age of 22 Lang Lang has traded his signature teenage razor-buzz for a more conservative adult haircut, and his approach to the keyboard has calmed down considerably as well. He may have little new to say about Tchaikovsky's popular warhorse, but at least he now lets the music speak for itself.

"Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves."
  - Carl Jung

Friday, July 21, 2006

The Vines - "Anysound"

The Vines - "Don't Listen To The Radio"

The Vines 'MTV Select Germany'

A 2002 German interview with Craig Nicholls.
Pt. 1
pt. 2
pt. 3

DJ Ted Stevens Techno Remix: "A Series of Tubes"

Paul Holcomb from The Bold Headed Broadcast mixed this techno version of Ted Stevens' now infamous "Series Of Tubes" speech and Gavin (that is me) from made a video out of it. (less)

Ted's Tubes

Ted Stevens, Nas, Outkast, and Trippy Shite!!

Learn how smart the Senator is that is pushing all this bad legislation... Here is what he babbles about Net Neutrality...

Made by:

download the MP3 here:

jordinyc (4 days ago)
DRUNK BASTARD! When I first heard this, he seemed to make sense, but the longer you listen, the more his sentences and points get all disconnected. He sounds like someone who's drunk or stoned, they're positive they make sense to themselves, but they're totally illogical. ... anyway, about this video, what does all that crap on the screen have to do with anything? I mean why not film fish farting.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

The new Supermarket near our house has an automatic water mister to keep the produce fresh.

Just before it goes on, you hear the sound of a thunderstorm and the smell of fresh rain.

When you approach the milk cases, you hear cows mooing and witness the scent of fresh butter fat.

When you approach the egg case, you hear hens cackle and the air is filled with the pleasing aroma of eggs frying.

So far I have been too afraid to go down the toilet paper aisle....

"The things we know best are the things we haven't been taught."
  - Marquis de Vauvenargues

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

B-52s Legal Tender (minimal video)
- Video da banda B-52's, uma banda de new wave

B 52's - Own Private Idaho. (bigger hair)

B-52's - 52 girls (bigger boots, bad sound)

B 52's - Tell It Like It Tis

Friday, July 14, 2006

Lynne Ewing, Sons of the dark

  Lynne Ewing

Lynne Ewing is a screenwriter who works with troubled gang kids in L.A. She is the author of Drive-By, Party Girl, and all of the books in the Daughters of the Moon series, which were chosen as ALA Quick Picks.

Sons of the Dark #1: Barbarian (Paper Over Board)

Sons of the Dark #2: Escape (Paper Over Board)

Sons of the Dark #3: Outcast (Paper Over Board)

Sons of the Dark #4: Night Sun (Paper Over Board)

Malcolm Gladwell, Blink : The Power of Thinking Without Thinking

From the publishers fly jacket:

Don't think - Blink !

 In his landmark best seller The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell derefined how we understand the world around us. Now, in Blink, he revolutionizes the way we understan the world within. Blink is a book about how we thinkg withouth thinking, about choices that seem to be made in an instatn - in the blink of an eye - that actually aren't as simple as they seem. Why are some people brillian decision makers, while others are consistently inept? WWhy do some people follow their instincts and win, while others end up stumbling into error ? How do our brains really work - in the office, in the classroom, in the kitchen, and in the bedroom ? And why aer the best decisions often those that are impossible to explain to others ?

 In Blink we meet the psychologist who has learned to predict whether a marriage will last, based on a few minutes of observing a couple; the tenis coach who knows when a player will double-fault before the racket even makes contact with the ball; the antiquities experts who recognize a fake at a glance. Here, too, are great failures of "blnk": the election of Warren Harding; New Coke; and the shooting of Amadou Diallo by police. Blink reveals that great decisoin makers aren't those who process the most information or spend the most time deliberating, but those who have perfected the art of "thin-slicing" - filtering the very few factors that matter from an overwhelming number of vaiiables.

 Drawing on cutting-edge neuroscience and psychology and displaying all o fthe brilliance that made The Tipping Point a classic, Blink changes the way you understan every decision you make. Never again will you think about thinking the same way.

Malcolm Gladwell is a saff writer for The New Yorker. He was formerly a business and science reporter
at the Washington Post. For more information abou Malcolm Gladwell, go to his web site at .

Malcolm Gladwell, Blink : The Power of Thinking Without Thinking. Mew York, Little, Brown. 2005.

Jeff Stone, Five Ancestors

Book One : Tiger (March 22, 2005)

Book Two : Monkey (September 12, 2006)

Book Three : Snake (March 14, 2006)

Book Four : Crane

Lian Hearn, Tales of the Otori

Lian Hearn, Tales of the Otori

Book One : Across the Nightingale Floor Episode 1

The first episode in an epic literary adventure set in medieval Japan.

Sixteen-year-old Tomasu lives in a remote mountain village among the Hidden, a reclusive and spiritual people who have taught him only the ways of peace. But unbeknownst to him, his father was a celebrated assassin and a member of the Tribe, an ancient network of families with extraordinary preternatural skills. When Tomasu's village is pillaged, he is rescued and adopted by the mysterious Lord Otori Shigeru, who gives him a new name: Takeo. Under the tutelage of Shigeru, Takeo learns that he too possess the skills of the Tribe. And, with this knowledge, he embarks on a journey that will lead him to his own unimaginable destiny ... (Publisher cover matter)

    The deer that weds
    The autumn bus clover
    They say
    Sires a single fawn
    And this fawn of min
    This lone boy
    Sets off on a journey
    Grass for his pillow

    Manyoshu Volume 9, No. 1,790

Book One : Across the Nightingale Floor Episode 2

The Adventure Continues

Since his rescue by Lord Otori Shigeru, Takeo has learned that his father - whom he had never met - was past of the Tribe, a secret network of assassins with extraordinary skills. Takeo shares these skills, and he spends days honing them with Shigeru's friend Kenji, also a member of the Tribe. Then the three journey to the stronghold of the power-hungry Lord Iida, where they will meet Kaede, a 15-year-old girl chosen as the future Lady Otori by a group  of political collaborators. Throughout the trip, Takeo is pulled in two by his mixed allegiances to the Otori and the Tribe. And then there is a third bond: when Takeo and Kaede first see eache other, they are drawn together, and without speaking a word, fall in love. But events are doomed to pull them apart, and draw on all of their courage. (Publisher cover matter)

Book Two : Grass For His Pillow Episode 1 : Lord Fujiwara's Treasures

Book Two : Grass For His Pillow Episode 2 : The Way Through The Snow

Book Three : Brilliance of the Moon Episode 1 : Battle for Murayama

The lovers Otori Takeo and Shirkawa Kaede are now husband and wife, and even more determined than ever to strengthen domains. Their hasty marriage has enraged powerful men: Arai Daiichi, the warlord ruling most of the Three Countries, and Lord Fujiwara, who considers Kaede his bride. Because of these threats, Takeo and Kaede make hast to secure Maruyama, Kaede's inherited stronghold, before Arai and his allies can stop them. Even as they battle, another threat looms, because members of the Tribe - Takeo's relatives,skikked assassins - have set their deadly sights on Takeo ...
(Publisher cover matter)

Others too, in far-flung villages,
Will no doubt be gazing at this moon
That never asks which watcher claims the night ...
Loud on the unseen mountain wind,
A stag's cry quivers in the heart,
And somwhere a twig lets one leaf fall.
- Zeami, THe Fulling Block (Kinuta)

Book Three : Brilliance of the Moon Episode 2

Microsoft iPod killer dubbed Argo Epic fight planned

Two names are floating for the new Microsoft "iPod killer" - the Argo and the Zuna.
(The Alpha and the Omega, perhaps?)

... Project Argo which is named after Jason's legendary boat to find the Golden Fleece. The rotting Argo actually killed Jason by falling on him after he had been driven mad by the murder of his children by his wife Medea [Surely Media, Ed.].

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Jean Shephard, In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash

From a Amazon Profile (Evan Weiner) ... I always liked Jean Sheppard, the humorist from way back and in God We Trust All Others Pay Cash, something about that title. As a kid, I would listen to him every night at 10PM on WOR Radio. Humor is always preferred.

"New Jersey - the most American of all states.
It has everything from wilderness to the Mafia.
All the great things and all the worst,
for example, Route 22.
- Jean Shepherd, January 11, 1970. 

Newark Sunday News

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Espace musique

2006 y 07 m 11 d 07 h 12 
Titre: Hija Mia Mi Querida
Album: Constantinople
Interprète(s): Constantinople Ens
Compositeurs: Anonyme Juif Sefarade
Étiquette: ATMA, ACD - 22388

07 h 10 
Titre: Ven Querida
Album: Constantinople
Interprète(s): Francoise Atlan, Constantinople Ens
Compositeurs: Anonyme Juif Sefarade
Étiquette: ATMA, ACD - 22388

07 h 07 
Titre: Hero Y Leandro
Album: Constantinople
Interprète(s): Constantinople Ens
Compositeurs: Anonyme Juif Sefarade
Étiquette: ATMA, ACD - 22388

Espace musique

2006 y 07 m 12 d 07 h 01 
Titre: Concerto, K 216
Album: Mozart: Violinkonzerte 1-5, Konzertante Symphonie
Interprète(s): Regis Pasquier, Liege et la Communaute Francaise Orch Philh, Pierre Bartholomee
Compositeurs: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Étiquette: NAIVE, V - 1002

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Ground rules for posting comments:
1. No profanity or personal attacks.
2. Please comment on the subject of the blog post itself.
3. If you do not follow these rules, we will remove your post. Keep it civil, folks!


From: HerminiaMitchell .at.
Subject: CXS


 There was no lying to this magniflcent skillful being, no matter how
my steering wheel." I suddenly realized that I was running off at the mouth.
Jonathan," was all he said.


Date: July 11, 2006 7:21:01 AM EDT (CA)
From: LaverneSherman .at.
Subject: 16E

How much he had paid for it, how fine the wool was, how the tailor changed

 "Look at Fletcher! Lowell! Charles-Roland! Judy Lee! Are they also
anything, but he did.

he had left Earth. "IT WORKS!"



I got back to the lab in the morning as usual, around nine, and showed
be blown into a million tiny shreds of seagull. But the speed was power,
fall out of the boot. "Throw another one, huh?"

"Thank you, doctor. My fellow Harmonites! Finally we have heard a clear

Originally sent from a "Aida Chen <>" to the "" (and others).

This is a snippet from Arkady and Brois Strugatsky, Roadside Picnic. "From an interview by a special correspondent from Harmont Radio with Doctor Valentine Pilman, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics for 19.."

Saturday, July 8, 2006

Amazing Bubble Trick

Natural Hallucinogen

Amazing bubble trick!

A beluga blowing bubbles ... underwater.

Dandy Warhols

The Dandy Warhols - TV theme song

Dandy Warhols - Bohiemian Like You

Dandy Warhols - Bohiemian Like You (3:38) (Bar Mix Edited)

Dandy Warhols - Bohiemian Like You 3:30 (8 BAR INTRO)

Dandy Warhols - Bohiemian Like You 3:34 (Titles)

The Dandy Warhols - Bohemian Like You (live) (3:51)

DP - Bohemian Like You (3:36)

The Dandy Warhols - Boys Better

The Dandy Warhols - Not If You Were The Last Junkie On Earth

Mousse T Vs The Dandy Warhols - Horny As A Dandy

DP- Bohemian Like You


Minicalcolatore (Italian Version)

Sono l'operatore Del minicalcolatore

Io aggiungo
Io sottraggo
Io programmo
Io compongo

Se premo un bottone
Lui suona una canzone


Wednesday, July 5, 2006

Sun Ra

Sun Ra 1981 Chicago

Sun Ra "Tiny Pyramids"

Sun Ra

Sun Ra - Marshall Allen

John Coney/Sun Ra - Space Is The Place(1974) excerpt #1
It's after the end of the world
Don't you know that yet?

John Coney / Sun Ra - Space Is The Place(1974) excerpt#2


Collective Improvisation 1

Collective Improvisation (two)

Damon Smith, Josh Allen and Timothy Orr live at the Expression College for Digital Arts, Emeryville, CA, May 2004

The English Beat

English Beat - Save It For Later

English Beat - Mirror in the Bathroom (Live)

English Beat - Mirror In The Bathroom

English Beat - I Confess

English Beat - The English Beat Too Nice To Talk To (3:08)

English Beat - Mirror In The Bathroom (Orange)

English Beat - Doors Of Your Heart

English Beat - Tears of a Clown

Tuesday, July 4, 2006

Frank Zappa

Frank Zappa - Inca Roads

Zappa with the Monkees

Power People 4th of July Poolside Special!

Chapter 4 of the first truly international machinima feature.
Girl fight in the first minutes!!! Made with The Sims 2-- special thanks to the modding community.