Friday, July 28, 2006

I bet it made his daily newscast

I bet it made his daily newscast, too. He put the knife on the night-table, hoisted himself into bed, then slid it under the mattress.

"Look out, shes coming! He did not even relax when he heard the side door slam and lock, followed by splashing steps outside. "This was a lie he had made up on the spur of the moment, but it had the desired effect - she looked more confused than ever, lost in a specialistsworld of which she had not the slightest knowledge. "She slapped herself across the left cheek with her left hand, hard enough to leave an imprint.

The clock in the church tower began to chime the hour of twelve - the hour when, her mother had told her, the door between life and death sways open a bit and the dead may pass both ways - and it was all Mrs. They are all against me, Paul!

He bent over, ignoring the pain in his legs, and began to work the loose section of baseboard out with his fingers. Paul knew that even an exhaustive analysis would turn up precious few traces of blood - his car had spent most of the spring with snowmelt running through it at flood-speed.


They passed beyond his sightline. "Ive got yogurt and a nice boiled egg for you, and then it will be time for you to begin.

"Youre dripping with sweat. Then she twisted the nozzle off and walked back along the hoses length, looping it over her arm. This thought was of a broken-off piling which had jutted from the sand at Revere Beach. Then, with a deep and almost painful timidity, she offered the only editorial suggestion she ever made to him.

"And Ill say, "If Elvis Presley was still alive and you saw him last winter, would you remember seeing him? Do you remember the chapter-plays?

He got out of his well-kept Chevrolet Bel Air, holding part of the Camaros bumper in one hand and its steering wheel in the other. Pain in his legs - particularly in the bunched remains of his left knee - and pain in his pelvis as well.


"And the second time to get food. Paul regarded this a moment, then opened his pad, picked up a pencil, and found the hole in the paper.

But its not going to work. "If you bring me my manuscript and one of those yellow legal pads, Ill work in longhand,he said. As far as the barn goes, it really isnt much work, as long as you dont let things pile up. She stood looking at him, at the darkening, bloody sheets with vague consternation - her face was the face of a woman who hears on her radio that an earthquake has killed ten thousand people in Pakistan or Turkey.

She was standing there in the shadows as if she had never been away, wearing one of her woolly skirts and frumpy sweaters; he saw the needle in her hand and understood it hadnt been a sting but an injection. "I was smarter than that.

Sitting already hurt; the pain would be monstrous by the time she got back, even if she hurried. - done in what Paul thought was an eerily apt hand for his heroine, not a round and flowing ladiesscript but a half-feminine copperplate), Miserys Couch, Miserys Sampler (Let Love Instruct You; Do Not Presume to Instruct Love), etc.


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